Criminal Law Forum Journal
Editor in Chief
Judge Kai Ambos
Kosovo Specialist Chambers
The Hague, The Netherlands
Editor Emeritus
Prof. William A. Schabas
Middlesex University
London, England, UK
Editorial Board
Prof. Leila N. Sadat
Washington University School of Law
St. Louis, MO, USA
Prof. Pierre Robert
Department des Sciences Juridiques, Université du Quebec Montreal
Montréal, QC, Canada
Hon. Justice Daniel Nsereko
Special Tribunal for Lebanon
The Hague, Netherlands
Prof. Roger S. Clark
Rutgers University School of Law
Camden, NJ, USA
Prof. Richard W. Harding
Crime Research Centre, University of Western Australia
Crawley, WA, Australia
Prof. Norman Abrams
Professor of Law Emeritus, University of California LA
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Chile Eboe-Osuji
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
The Hague, Netherlands
Nick Dower
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Brisbane, Australia
Prof. Yvon Dandurand
Senior Associate, ICCLR
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Damian J. Bugg AM KC
Former Chancellor, University of Tasmania
Hobart, TAS, Australia
Prof. Andrew Ashworth
All Souls' College, Oxford University
Oxford, England, UK
Prof. Diane Amann
UC Davis School of Law
Davis, CA, USA