Criminal Jury Trials in a Pandemic
This 1.5-hour panel discussion, organized by the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law (ISRCL) and Courthouse Libraries BC, will take a look at how courts have managed jury trials during the pandemic in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Lord Hugh Matthews, a Senator of the College of Justice and a judge of Scotland’s Supreme Courts will share a perspective from the UK on managing jury trials during the pandemic. Defence counsel, Mona Duckett, Q.C., a senior partner with Dawson, Duckett, Garcia & Johnson will speak to her experience with jury trials in Canada during the pandemic. Andrew Warren, State Attorney of Florida’s 13th Judicial Circuit will share a perspective from the US. Our moderator will be Justice Tammen of the BC Supreme Court. Attendees may claim up to 1.5 hours of CPD with the Law Society of BC.